Monday, April 26, 2010

Rain, Rain Go Away

You boys are on your own for a few days. It's time for our annual spring trip to Hilton Head. With the rain and cool weather we've had the past week this couldn't come at a better time. We're stopping in Wilmington, NC first and will see friends who live at Porter's Neck (in the Private Club network) and then on to HH where we will connect with the Great White Hunter and Mrs. They have some friends staying with them (who we know) so it should be another good time on and off the golf course.

Speaking of rain, it should take a while for the course to dry out. We've had quite a bit over the past 48 hours. The course was pretty dry but this has been a good soaking. It should be back to normal by the time of my return.

The snow birds are starting to return home. Good to see Uncle Bob again. I understand that Bill S will be back around the 10Th of May. I imagine Tom Z can't be far behind. By the way, we have a lot of new members. We should get the word out about the JR/SRS. Also, the tentative date for the 2010 JR/SR Championship is August 24 and the return of the Pig Outing will be on Sept. 23. Mark your calendars.

See ya in a week or so.

Friday, April 23, 2010

More Than His toes Are Twinkling

TT took all the money yesterday. He really wasn't that good it was that the rest of us were that bad. He even had the most skins in the foursome game we had. Did we have a full moon recently? If not, I have no explanation for his new found talent. Last week he could find his swing with a pack of bloodhounds. Just goes to show how fickle the golf gods are.

Thoughts for the day:
  • There are three roads to ruin: women, gambling, and golf. The most pleasant is with women, the quickest with gambling, but the surest with golf. Andrew Perry
  • When your ball has to carry over a water hazard, you can either hit one more club or two more balls. Henry Beard
  • That putt has more breaks than a government job. Brian Weis

Have a great weekend and hope to see you at Happy Hour.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Up to His Old Tricks

Actually both of them are up to their old tricks. Sarge and Twinkle Toes played over there heads to take the money yesterday. I heard TTS was playing well before he started thinking about his ham loaf burning and then things fell apart late on the backside. All in all it was a nice day and the weather was close to perfect for golf in April. Supposed to be better as the week progresses.

I've heard about 4 different interpretations of the ruling in the playoff at the Verizon Heritage. The last, that Brian Davis moved a loose impediment in the hazard makes sense. Still it seems to be antiquated and one can only hope a change will be forthcoming by the USGA and the Royal & Ancient the next time they meet to vote on changes. But, I don't think that is scheduled until 2012.

Speaking of loose impediments - That's what the banana peel is, and can be removed as long as the ball isn't moved in the process.

Almost forgot about the ball I found Monday in the lake. Brand name - Water Buoy - and yes it was floating near the shoreline. This is the first time I've ever seen one. Also, I found a practice ball. I thought we were beyond this, but I guess not.

See everyone Thursday.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Too Cold For Most

Saturday was one of those days that seemed OK until you got to the second hole. Then the temperature seemed to drop and it only got worse. By the 8Th hole we looked at each other and decided to call it a day at 9. All that being said I still managed to win some loose change thanks to my partner, Mike M (of real estate fame). Saw some other players out there. One was even in shorts and he said he wasn't cold even though his legs were blue. TTS was playing but he had 3 of them plus a wind shirt. I also learned TTS has another name he is known by with his family. I've been sworn to secrecy so I can't say what it is. If you buy St. Gwen a drink I'm pretty sure she will spill the secret.

The answers to the rules questions: The area the tree covers is ground under repair. So you all know what to do under those situations. Now the snow in the bunker is a little more interesting. Snow could either be a loose impediment or casual water in the bunker. The casual water treatment is a lot more favorable. If you don't how to employ the rule look at Rule 25-1b.

Speaking of rules did you see the playoff at the Verizon Heritage and the rules infraction Brian Davis called upon himself? The rules can really be arcane and I believe that one needs to be changed.

Situation - LLB was playing ahead of us and hit one of his famous drives. Whereupon Fred S used one of his famous lines about handing out bananas. LLB ate the fruit and left the peel on the fairway. Tim G, who is equally long, hit his drive to the same area. Unfortunately it came to rest against the peel that was left on the fairway. What's the rule? If you get this right you get an apple at the turn.

See ya Tuesday. The weather looks to be getting better.

Monday, April 12, 2010

What A Masters!

Well another Masters has come and gone and what a fun tournament it was to watch this year. I've always been a big fan of Phil and it was great to see him win. We should all be able get up and down like he did on Sunday. But, if we had that ability then we would have a different day job. Nice to see the Belmont Pub busy on Sunday afternoon. A nice way to watch the tournament with old friends and a chance to make new ones. I thought it was good of Brad and his wife to be there to interact with the members.

Not much in the way of golf to report on since the weather didn't cooperate and the course was really wet over the weekend. At least the weather looks better for this week. Now if I could only get my tax return finished.

Rules question - A storm blows a tree down on the course, but the tree remains intact. How should the tree be treated?

Here's a situation we might encounter - Your ball lands on a small patch of snow in a sand trap. What can you do? Should the snow be treated as a loose impediment or as causual water?

Thought of the day - The ball retriever is not long enough to get my putter out of a tree. - Brian Weis

See ya at lunch.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

What A Storm!

That was some storm that rolled through last night. I was on my way back from Findlay when the worst part hit this area. All I know is that in the Cygnet area (I 75) you couldn't see to drive because of the heavy rain and the lightning. I almost had to pull off the road it was so bad. My guess is we got in excess of 1 inch of rain which will make the course pretty wet. That coupled with the cool temps coming in will make golf a little uncomfortable. Oh well, I really need to finish my tax returns.

Tuesday was a pretty typical day with 8 bandits showing up. TTS was captain for the day and stacked the teams and game in his favor. Guess who won? The wind was really strong and was a major factor. Still the scores were pretty close. Yesterday wasn't really very nice and nothing formal took place. A three of us (who will remain nameless) squeezed in 9 holes before the rain really rolled in.

This is maybe the best week of the golf year (my opinion) with The Masters. Should be 4 days of pretty exciting golf. Good to see the club trying to organize something in The Pub for Sunday afternoon. Hope they get enough people to sign up. I know we're planning on being there.

Thought for the day - "Golf is 20% mechanics and technique. The other 80% is philosophy, humor, tragedy, romance, melodrama, companionship, camaraderie, cussedness and conversation." Grantland Rice

See ya on the links.

What A Storm!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Did You Find Any Eggs?

Since it was Easter Sunday I decided to take my first trip around the lake and see if the golf bunnies had left any eggs for me. As usual I wasn't disappointed. The first egg was a ProV 1. I also found two more to make a full sleeve for the first trip. A little below normal but not bad. I shouldn't admit this, but I embarrassed to say one of the balls was mine. I put in in there on Friday. Also on Friday a new term was created. Dave B put a sleeve of new balls in the lake and hence we now have the Bishop (3 new balls in the water on your home hole). He was totally embarrassed but somewhat mollified to know he has been immortalized by being part of our lore.

The golf was pretty good over the weekend with three great days of weather. Thursday was pretty normal with the daily skin game. TTS was surprised to learn he didn't win anything since he played well. He thinks we pencil whipped him somehow. He made up for it on Saturday by not playing nearly as well but winning 3 skins and losing only $2.00 filling in for Bill S (still in Florida). Plus, he rolled 5 threes to win half the "Shake of the Day" pot. Several challenged whether it was a legal roll, but we really had no proof to the contrary. I suggest everyone show up for lunch Tuesday when we make the payoff (can anyone see a drink in their future?). Now we're back to one roll per person for a day or so until we get Back to $50.00.

The crazies are back. The great White Hunter said vandals stole 7 flags from CGC. And we awoke Sunday morning to find a cart on the rocks on #2. No one knows how it got there, but it happened sometime after closing Saturday and opening Sunday. I guess we'll always have morons in this world.

Thought of the day: Keep a close count of your nickels and dimes, stay away from whiskey, and never concede a putt. - Sam Snead

See ya Tuesday.

Did You Find Any Eggs?